Makeup By Felicia La Tour


Moms Supporting Moms: Product Review (Small Business)

Health, Mom, Beauty, BabyFelicia LaTour1 Comment

I love supporting & being a working mom! My mom was a hard worker so to be able to help other moms that are working hard is fun & energizing. I have two brands I want to share with you. Both are mom's who are passionate about their hand crafted products which are fantastic!

First let me introduce you to "The Balm Company". My good friend Alex Elle is an author, speaker, and natural mama. With the help and inspiration from her daughter Char, Alex decided to create an all natural,handmade,VEGAN product line for the body. I am obsessed with all of the products I received. I love the fact that it is organic because I am really big on using products that are organic ONLY as well as for baby Peace. My favorite is ummmmm everything lol. I love the  lip balm, flower oil, and Baby Bump. All smell amazing and Im actually using the Baby Bump for my stretch marks after having Peace. Keeps my skin hydrated. There is coconut oil in the ingredient and it does have to be placed in the microwave for about 1 min to become looser to your liking. When using pure coconut oil you will notice it is hard so keep this in mind. Thanks so much Alex & Char !!! Get your product here : TheBalmCo Be sure to visit them on Instagram as well : @TheBalmCo 

Next, I want to introduce you to Chompy Chic Jewlery! This is another great product from a fellow mom that knows babies needs. Ok, Ive seen several teething toys but a Peace sign for baby Peace to chew on is too cute! Peace has nothing that contains BPA so being that these tethers are BPA FREE made me happy. They have these little wooden beads on the teething toy and I was a little concerned because I didn't want her sucking on wood but once I found out they are coated in organic Beeswax that made me happy. Peace is only 3 1/2 months and is already going through teething so she tries her best to put the toy in her mouth lol. We love your product Sonia and wish you the best of luck on your venture ! Take one to your next baby shower as a gift or get one for your baby here: ChompyChic 


Peace & blessings

Xoxo - Fee La Tour 

Why are you getting me vaccinated mommy?

Mom, Health, BabyFelicia LaTourComment

One of the hardest decision was deciding to get Peace vaccinated or not. I would go back and fourth within my thoughts like a ping pong ball trying to make the "right" decision.  "What if I vaccinate her and something goes wrong?" or "What if everything goes completely right?" So many questions going through my brain it was overwhelming. 

As a parent, all we want to do is try and make the right choices for our children. We want to  be perfect in an imperfect world. Realistically there is no such thing. The night before me taking Peace to her doctors appointment, I researched until about 4am. During my pregnancy I spoke to my OBGYN about her opinion as well as other moms that I trusted. One thing I noticed is some mothers force their opinion on you. Most with a one sided answer which isn't easy on new moms trying to make a hard decision.  Other kids and people do carry around sicknesses that can lead to death being that our babies are so small. I didn't want to take that risk. I also didn't want to deal with schools having an issue because she wasn't vaccinated. I went with what felt right and what spoke to me. 

I decided to go through with the vaccinations. I made the decision off of faith and intuition. Everyone will give you their opinion but at the end of the day it comes down to your decision. Its your child and you have to learn to listen to your decrement within. I am an organic advocate lol. Peace uses organic EVERYTHING and I have no problem with being the OCD mom. I went through with the vaccines because I wasn't willing to have my child be exposed to the risks of not having her vaccinated (sickness etc.) It doesn't make sense to me to inject a fresh human body with chemicals but when you add the fact that the world DOES have diseases and sicknesses floating around, you might look at it differently. 

When its all said and done, pray, ask those whom you trust for their opinion, talk to a doctor and weight out the pros and cons. FAITH is what had me move forward with my decision and Peace is as healthy and happy as can be!


I don't believe in giving her OR myself the flu shot and I do believe in spreading out vaccines so it doesn't overwhelm their little bodies. 


Peace & Blessings

XoXo- Fee La Tour 

MUST haves right after giving birth

Baby, Health, MomFelicia LaTourComment

Right after giving birth I began to learn a few things about myself and my new body . First , I had to accept my new body for what it is right now and just simply work on getting it back to what it was . Leaving anxiety to the side I began operation " snap back" just a day after labor . 

First, My stomach was all over the place . My uterus was nice and swollen still so It still looked like I had a baby in there.  I was advised by many mothers that it was important for me to breast feed to shrink my uterus , and WRAP my stomach night and day . I purchased a " Belly Bandit ." At first It didn't fit due to my uterus being super swollen still . I took an ace bandage and wrapped myself in that for the first 2 days. Soon after the Belly Bandit fit . I ordered a size small because I am determined to get back to my pre pregnancy size lol ! So far so good with the band, I am shrinking very fast and I am also making sure I am eating as clean as possible  to help me . I don't want to diet being that I am breast feeding and it eliminates so many calories I want my baby to be nice and healthy so I probably need to eat more food but its all a matter of what I am putting in my mouth . 

Lots of my weight has been water weight that literally just falls off . If you are pregnant and reading this, DRINK LOTS OF WATER . Not only to ease your swollen body while prego but to help the weight slip of right after . It is day 4 after birth and I have already lost 15 pds . I am making sure I     am drinking nothing but water and herbal tea which brings me to my next point . 

While in the hospital , most woman don't produce milk yet . Your body only has  colostrum so your baby will feed on that until it comes out . My baby would cry out in hunger pains because my milk took 4 days to start coming so I had to drink " mother milk " tea. This tea is a lifesaver !!! As a new mom , everything is new . You want to be able to do everything right and you want to be able to make your baby happy . I was so sad when I could hear my babies hunger cries . I ended up giving her my boob for the colostrum but I would also give her organic formula from whole foods called " natures best ". The Mother milk helped so much . I drink about 3 cups of it a day to help me get the milk down and poppin for my little one . 

Another Tea that I use is " Monthly comfort tea" , this is a good healing tea for my insides being that I had a baby living in me for 9 months . Everything is out of wack lol ! Vitamin D I give to the baby ( add a drop on my boob before breast feeding ) . My doctor recommended it and says they recommend all moms who breast feed to . 

These are all things that I needed asap after giving birth on top of a positive attitude . I'll keep you posted on my belly bandit / snap back journey regularly :) 

Peace & Blessings 

XoXo - Fee La Tour