Makeup By Felicia La Tour


Sugar coat for what ?

Health, positvityFelicia LaTourComment

 I use to have a problem with speaking my mind for a very long time . Scared of what others would think I would hold in how I felt very often . Recently , I am around people who speak their mind and say to the left with " sugar coating " reality . I would always try and be considerate of others feelings without thinking about my own . Thats when I had it backwards. You don't have to be rude but you do have to think about your happiness when always being the " yes man ." Why do we put other peoples feelings above our own ? In life we must use the term "balance " more than ever . If you can't do something than say so . If you don't agree with something just say so . Don't sugar coat anything for anyone . You have to do what makes you happy . Be real , ALWAYS . Stand for what you believe in and remember to always stay respectful .


Xoxo - Fee La Tour

#FeeLove #PositiveVibesOnly