Makeup By Felicia La Tour


Halloween CRE-A-TI-VI-TY .....

Beauty, MomFelicia LaTour1 Comment
"Flower Child " ... 

"Flower Child " ... 

Have fun this Halloween ! 

Have fun this Halloween ! 

" oh hey !" 

" oh hey !" 

Peace & Love ... 

Peace & Love ... 

My favorite time of the year is here ! Halloween ! This is hands down my fav because I get to be creative with no limits but most of all I get to be creative on others with no limits! This first look I created is just very pretty & delicate. I call her " flower child " ! She is a pretty little hippie who loves good energy & pretty makeup ! 


I will be booking client this year for Halloween but I will be limiting myself to only 5 clients for the day/night. 

Book me @ :  

lets get creative together ! Comment below with some fun / creative ideas for me to create :) 

Xoxo- Fee La Tour  

Do everything from your SOUL ...

Health, Mom, Oprah, positvityFelicia LaTourComment

          Operate from your soul and watch people become instantly inspired ...

          Operate from your soul and watch people become instantly inspired ...

Your soul is who you are . It is something that you wear on the inside of your body that keeps your body operating . Without your soul , you are not you, you are not alive . It lives forever and can never die , pretty impressive if you ask me .

 At the age of 23 I've done some really amazing things with my life thus far !  I would've never thought I would be where I am now . I realize that prayer and having this amazing thought process helped me manifest my dreams into reality. Along my life journey , I've come to realize that if I don't do things from my soul , it just doesn't work . The energy isn't transfered properly . The people won't feel me .  

I only know how to be me . I can be myself in several different emotional moods but when it comes to me sharing my positivity and enlightenment with my " Love Lights " I can only do it from my soul . The journey to finding out who I was and recognizing the difference between my soul and flesh wasn't an easy one by any means . 

I didn't always operate from my soul . I was a negative Nancy , very judgemental , and was operating from an egotistic stand point day in , day out . The moment I recognized my soul I began to live a life I could only dream of at one point . The key was finding out who Felicia really was behind the flesh . 

These days , I cannot operate if it isn't from the soul . I have no words to produce or projects if it doesn't come from the soul . I keep my mouth closed until my soul speaks threw me and we make masterpieces together . I remain still and in patience until my " ahhh ha !" moment comes. If I don't do my souls purpose I am unfulfilled and unhappy . Thats not the life I like to live or teach people . 

With all of that being said , make sure you are doing what makes you happy ! Don't try and please everyone else or try and do what everyone else " thinks " you should do . You came on this earth with a purpose that is placed inside of your heart and only you know what that is . Of course get advice from people when necessary but make your own decisions , always ! For the longest time I couldn't make my own decisions and drove myself and probably everyone around me crazy. Just decide :) Take life one day at a time and hope for the best . God / the universe has your back . With that mindset I promise you will feel unstoppable !!!

Peace & Blessings to all my LoveLights 

XoXo- Fee La Tour


Channel Your Energy Properly

positvity, Mom, Health, OprahFelicia LaTourComment

One thing I want to say  before I get into this topic is , I SPEAK FROM EXPERIENCE AND EXPERIENCE ONLY .  I have to constantly practice what I speak as well as look for new ways to grow as a better human being every day . That comes with discipline and the willingness to learn regularly . When you do things from your soul , they don't just happen over night . You have to listen very carefully to your spirit as well as your gut intuition . That brings me to my next point .  

Channeling your energy properly - 

When I began my journey of  consciousness , I was very very afraid and confused . I one day woke up , and just began to isolate myself . I had no idea why I was isolating myself and what the purpose was . Now , 23 years young and looking at my life it all makes sense . It isn't easy to trust , ecspecially as a human being . We question everything ,  all the time ! Its just in our nature . So , of course , questions ran through my mind such as " am I doing the right thing ?" or " My friends aren't doing what I am doing , why am I the odd ball out ?" At the time I wasn't spiritually mature enough to recieve the answer to that question . 

My very first lesson was to channel my energy properly . That meant for me to go into isolation , which  consisted of ; working full time , no friend hang out time , reading , writing , and creating art . I disconnected from social media and I hibernated because I knew I was going through this for a reason . Questioning my every move , I learned to keep my faith alive and just trust . 

Fast foreword to my life today . I am healthy , happy , blessed in more ways I could ever imagine. I had to learn to channel my energy into my own journey . I learned very quickly that looking to the left or right of me would make me fall down . We all have our own purpose in life and we all have to practice discipline to figure out that purpose . Your soul will naturally lead you to where you are suppose to go ONLY if you're willing to allow it to . Our ego seems to get in the way the majority of the time . It is our job , to recognize the ego ( your flesh ) and tell it to simply " have a seat !" 

With all of that being said , I stepped into my purpose by channeling my energy properly . I stopped feeding things that didn't need to be fed . I also had to let a lot of friends go that were no longer serving a purpose in my life ( this is a VERY  hard part of the journey , test crucial part. ) . I still respected all with the understanding that everyone is on their own path and I cannot judge their footsteps . I am here to tell you do NOT be afraid of isolation ! You are one with God and being able to tap into that is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me . You learn so much about yourself as well as other people . Life seems to be a lot easier because you are spiritually in tune with the creator and learn to listen to the voice of our higher self as well as God . 

Trust your journey . Have patience , a lot of it . Don't let circumstances keep you down , they are only there to teach you something . Be as strong as you can , and when you feel like giving up , knell down and pray . 

Peace & Blessings 

XoXo- Fee La Tour 

Appreciation goes a long way -

Felicia LaTour1 Comment

Yesterday I had a friend who went out of their way to make me feel special . I had no idea that I affected this persons life so much , yet I was thankful . Sometimes as humans we tend to forget how much work we are doing for others in our lives we naturally don't seek the reward . For me personally , my reward is when I can impact someones life in a positive way . We as humans need to sit those down who affect us and let them know how much they have influenced your life . A simple card , fresh picked flowers , or even a hug and smile . Show your gratitude in hopes of warming someones heart and giving them strength . You might help some one more than  you can probably imagine . If we all showed appreciation, we would all probably have more energy to give being reminded that we are helping someone . Lets make the world a more beautiful place one gesture at a time .

XoXo - Fee La Tour 

#PositiveVibesOnly #FeeLove 

Being In Tune With Yourself -

Health, positvity, BeautyFelicia LaTourComment

I've been through a really interesting journey this far in my life . I am really young but have been through enough to say I can understand spirituality , the universe and my creator . With that being said , the best part of life I believe is growing . Ahh scary sometimes right ? It is , I can't lie . Scary is a good thing and scary is also an illusion your mind creates because of the unknown fact of " whats going to happen ." Being led in the dark is nerve wrecking , or is it ? Is this something we are creating ourselves in our own minds ? Yep , we are creating it just like we do everything else . For a second just realize where you are in this present moment . Accept it for what it is. Realize that you are exactly where you need to be at this moment in time of your life . Don't let your thoughts take you to a place of  " lack of . " Be so intune with yourself that you are comfortable with the present moment . Don't forget , it is a present because it is the now . Let your spirit be free and tell your ego to take a seat . The ego likes to be controling aka " the bully ." The spirit is the sweet one that should be leading you . As humans we don't allow the spirit to take control because we live in a society where it is the opposite . Free yourself and be happy ! Today ! Its your choice . Always was and always will be!  Get in tune and live your freedom ! 

Peace & Blessings 

Xoxo- Fee La Tour 

Growing at ease ...

Health, positvityFelicia LaTour1 Comment

We all have to grow in life , with that being said we all have to have certain lessons thrown at us . These lessons help us get to where it is we need to go . I recently came across some old photos of myself and was amazed at the way I carried myself as well as the way I spoke . Negative & classless . To see the person I have become today is amazing to me but it took me to having to bring up old memories to see that growth . I am spiritually mature enough to know that I was spiritually growing . Yes my physical body was growing but my spirit was at a serious war . Every day we are at war . Everyday we are growing more and more into a beautiful butterfly . Let the transition take its course . If you are willing to have God take control of your life , indeed the universe will work with you and help you with that transition . Keep in mind , IT TAKES TIME! I went through a 3 year relationship and looking back I can finally see that my Ex was my preparation for the woman I am today ! Its a beautiful thing . I remember sitting and talking to my girlfriends about how I felt it was time for me to leave my relationship because I've learned everything God wanted me to learn from this person. Now in the moment did I know I was going through a big transition ? Of course not . This person was preparing me for battle , the battle was me growing into my higher self . This is a very very difficult thing to overcome . I began to look at the world differently , I began to strengthen my gift of discernment ( Thank you GOD! ) With all of this being said , I want to tell anyone who is going through something to HOLD ON TIGHT and just know that you are probably going through a huge  growth process . Just trust that God is creating situations that will teach you a lesson which will make you a very strong person at the end of it all. Looking back at my life thus far I see exactly why I went through the things I did . Cliche but it made me the person I am today . Be a warrior and nothing less ! Trust your journey , trust your struggle , embrace every moment and live for RIGHT NOW !

Peace & Blessings

Xoxo- Fee La Tour

Learn to Calm Your Mind ….

Health, positvityFelicia LaTourComment


Alrighty, so idk about you but for me I use to always have these moments when my mind would just run wild . Out of control and filled with negative thoughts of failure , lack of , and doubt . Slowly but surely I began to gain control . It wasn't easy but I knew I had to gain control of my mind so that my world around me would change . I began to read several books on what happens when I let my mind go into a negative state .  I was freaked OUT ! I was creating madness in my life with all of these thoughts. As they say I was " blocking my own blessings " . I was my own worst enemy . I wasn't loving myself and was beating myself up mentally . Life isn't meant to be miserable and unhappy all the time , but that was the life I was choosing. I have a few things I do to keep my mind positive through out the day. I listened to motivational speakers , Played Reggae music ( all positive and full of life / hope ) , I would go on a walk ,  pray for peace of mind, and stay productive in things I enjoyed doing . I didn't want to live in my thoughts 24/7 . I was tired and drained . Tired of worrying, tired of creating my own madness. The best thing I did was take that first step . The first one is the hardest because doubt tries to come and rob you and has you back at square one all over again . I conquered my mind , I mastered the way to use my brain and its power . Without your mind on the right track you can not manifest things and be happy . It is your mind power that creates your world around you .  The first step into thinking positive is to check yourself. Recognize when you're speaking negative , recognize when you're feeling anything less than happy. Talk to yourself , put yourself in check and hold yourself  accountable ! Forgive yourself for beating yourself up  most of all. Keep doing this until it is second nature for you to be positive. Everyday is another day to try your hardest . You begin to manifest happiness all the time, and start to embrace yourself a lot more . We all want to be happy , we all want to be loved . You are not as " different " as you think. Yes you are unique but trust me , it starts with self discpline. Its the ones that actually take action into doing , that manifest their heaven on earth.

Peace & Blessings 

Xoxo- Felicia La Tour


Three Books below that helped me quiet my mind . Click purchase below and treat yourself to a healthy book :)